Multi Channel Automated Marketing Programs

The platform has the ability to create multi-channel programs for use by user enrollment, or in concert with our On Behalf Of (OBO) engine. Programs can utilize email, direct mail, promotions and fulfillment assets.

Programs can take two forms:

1.Cascading - Fixed intervals between campaign touch points: These are used for multi-touch campaigns that evolve at regular intervals and begin when a contact event occurs. These are generally triggered by an update to a contact attribute such as a contract execution date, birth dates, products, policies, etc.

2.Fixed date – Campaign touch paints are on fixed calendar dates. These campaigns deploy on a fixed date schedule and are not dependent on contact attributes. Typically these are newsletters: Such as industry updates or event related.

For admins, the wizard interface makes setup very easy and intuitive.

1.Select the Program type
2.Name your Program and add Print or Email Assets and define the execution time for deployment
3.Define the collateral location and visibility permissions
4.Define the Execution Type: You can allow users to enroll, 'opt-in' to the program, or you can execute the program for users on their behalf
5.Define who can enroll or what groups or contact criteria will be used to trigger the Program
6.Set a beginning date and an optional ending date of the program
  • Admins can also define and permission the contact trigger on behalf of the user.

On a nightly basis, every program is examined for contact triggers and dates and the campaigns / print orders are queued.


User Enrollment 

If the user enrollment option is selected, users can now browse to the program, just like any other print or email asset, and choose to enroll. A "Play" icon is displayed for programs that are currently running or 'in-play'. In most cases, the user simply selects the contact group they wish to participate in the program. There is also the option to supply contact attributes (live in TX, own a house, favorite color is blue).

Once enrolled, a small ü appears to remind the user they are enrolled in the program.

Program assets are not user-customizable, but they can be customized by user profile attributes, contact record attributes or system wide Global Content.

Content collections can be used, but are not user-selected and rely on profile driven preferences.

For a walk-through demonstration, please contact your Account Manager who can provide recommendations and best-practices to put this powerful new feature to use for your marketing team and users.