Recurring Email Campaigns


Recurring email campaigns is a feature to allow you to schedule email campaigns as 'recurring' campaigns; meaning they will deploy to the same group on a fixed schedule. This contact group can change over time by adding/removing contacts from this group as the actual campaign is not created until the time of deployment. This feature is intended for email campaigns that:

  1.  Have static content, such as an invitation to an event that will be the same for a number of weeks
  2.  Require some compliance action by the user, such as agreeing to Company Terms and Conditions or some compliance requirement on an annual basis.
  3.  Campaigns that use our Image Fetch technology that pulls information from some other online dynamic source, such as a company website, blog or newsletter.


Once you have configured a campaign (not a template) to deploy, a user can select the scheduling options like usual. If enabled, the recurring option will display with further options to determine the frequency as well as when to expire the campaign.

Once the campaign has been scheduled, it will now show up in the newly consolidated Global Email Overview report. Select the "Recurring" checkbox and click "Search"

Select the Recurring checkbox and then Search:

You will see the 'stub' or 'master' that controls all the future sends of a recurring campaign. The stub will update after each deployment to indicate the date of the next send.

We don't display all future campaign deployments as it would be difficult to decipher current, pending or recurring campaigns; only the next campaign in the series of recurring emails will display.

From this report, you can also edit the recurring campaign to make adjustments to the content or to the recurring date parameters. Any edits to the content or schedule now become the default for all pending future deployments of the recurring campaign.




You also have the option of cancelling the recurring campaign. Once stopped, the campaign cannot be restarted. However, if you save the campaign to your user account, you can reload the campaign and then redeploy with new date/time parameters.

Like regular email campaigns, users can access their saved recurring campaigns from the Marketing Asset Manager view. From that view a user can Reload; Rename; Share or Delete the saved campaign. Deleting the saved campaign will not stop a recurring a campaign since the automation of the campaign is independent of the content. To stop a recurring campaign you must stop the campaign from the Global Email Overview.

You can also select the "Show Campaigns" to view all deployed campaigns that were launched from the 'stub' or master recurring campaign.