Getting your email into the inbox has become an increasingly difficult task. Spam filters are getting smarter, and a lot of times, they will filter out legitimate emails. If your email goes into the spam filter, consider the following
- Email providers pay attention to how recipients interact with your message. Make sure you have an engaging subject line and a clear call to action.
- List hygiene is extremely important. Send only to recipients who have have opted into your email communication. If a recipient's email provider sees that you are sending to a large number of email addresses that do not exist, they will assume that you don't know who you are sending to and block your entire email campaign.
- Instruct your recipients to add your email address to their safe sender list or contact list. This is a practice that should be applied to all your outgoing marketing emails.
- Most email applications have a convenient "this is not spam" button that removes the email from the spam box, and will trigger future inboxing. As more of your recipients do this, the email providers will take notice, and begin delivering more of your emails.
- Large public email providers such as Hotmail, AOL, and Yahoo may delay delivery of large quantities of email for up to a day.
If your recipient is using a private email provider (such as a business email server), they should check with their email administrator to see if the email was received and blocked. Several commercial grade firewall products are especially unforgiving of email with simple images. They can white-list our IP addresses as well, which should guarantee delivery.
We also provide the following optional services which help increase deliverability
- Dedicated IPs and email servers
- Creative and content services
Please feel free to contact us at [email protected] for more information about these services.