"On Behalf Of" Email Send Feature

Administrators have the ability to send e-mails "on-behalf of numerous other users based upon contact group ownership.  

  • Create Email Campaign > Type > OBO

  • Chose users/group to send OBO 

  • Review users and total number of contacts added - can sort by group or contacts.

  • Admin determines notification to users you are sending OBO campaign by setting the condition on the toggle button.
  • Admin determines whether users can cancel campaign by setting the condition on the toggle button.

OBO Overview: 

  • OBO is a platform wide configuration. It can be enabled and permissioned by your Account Manager.

  • Typically OBO is only permissioned for use by platform administrators, workgroup administrators, marketing leaders or creative personnel. It is generally not permissioned to standard users.

  • OBO allows and administrator to send a single campaign, on behalf of other platform users (and their contacts), essentially creating a unique campaign for each user's contact.

  • The OBO engine currently supports email campaigns and social campaign deployments. The difference is the credentials/authorization required for the various social channels.

  • Generally, OBO is not recommended for use if there is no user personalization in the campaign content, or the send-from name or address.

Email OBO Campaign Deployment:

Sending an email campaign OBO requires the same content and contact planning as any other email campaign. If your user account is permissioned to use OBO, an additional tab option will appear on Step 1 TYPE

Note: OBO cannot be used in concert with A/B Subject Line Testing and cannot be used as a recurring email campaign.

Select Users to Send OBO:

Select either the user group or Users. This will let you define the list of users or groups to send OBO

You will be presented with options with a list of users and/or the User Group selection box to define your list of Users.

  • Filter by user 

  • Filter by user groups

  • Select individual users or all users

  • Add or remove users to the campaign list, the groups and individuals will populate on the right side. 

  • When your OBO user selections are complete, select “Campaign Details” and/or “Recipients” to filter your contact lists. 



Select Recipients to Send OBO:

At this point your campaign will now be sent to ALL contacts owned by those Users. You can however, further refine the recipient contacts of the campaign by further selecting groups for each and every user if you desire.

As is true with all of the filter dialogues in the platform, you can mix ‘n match filter criteria. For instance, you could select all users in the group “Jigsaw” with the user profile field “Home State” contains the word “Texas”

User Personalization: 

As mentioned above, OBO is not recommended if user personalization isn’t utilized. The overarching idea is to make each and every email unique as possible by varying user and contact information. For Example: 

  • Subject – Personalize with sender information

  • Reply-To Email – Default is the Sender email. However, there may be instances where the preference is for the responses to go to a third party email address. Example, [email protected]

Email Tracking Report for OBO:

When a campaign is sent using OBO, the tracking report will initially show the administrator the overall campaign statistics, with an additional option to also see the individual campaigns that were created for each user.

This tracking report will show each individual campaign that was created, along with all email tracking statistics available in the email tracking reports (See email tracking report or GCO).