Distribion dictionary

GCO Edition




Approval Status

Not all organizations require campaigns to be approved. This data indicates whether an email campaign has or has not been approved for delivery.

Campaign Status

Shows if a campaign is pending or sent.

Campaign Type

Shows the type of medium of a campaign. Possible values are Email, OBO or Program

Campaign Name

The name of a campaign. May be derived from the Subject line of an email.

Can Owner Edit

Indicates whether a future scheduled campaign can be deleted. Only applies to OBO email campaigns.

Confirmed Opens

The recipient has downloaded one or more images in the email.


The recipient has clicked a link in the HTML email. If a recipient does not use HTML or does not right-click to enable images, our system will not know the recipient has received the email.


NOTE: Not all email clients are configure to automatically download images. In some cases the results will be lower than reality.

Contacts Queued

The total number of contacts that were assigned to the campaign

Contacts Sent

The total number of contacts for which delivery was attempted, after removing out unsubscribes and duplicates.

Control Number

A value added by the platform administrator to an email template to help identify it internally.

Date Added

The date that a campaign was queued to be sent out. The date added is not the same as the scheduled date and time for a campaign to go out.


Defined as having been received by the recipient's mail server. At that point it is up to the recipient's mail server to relay the message to the individual recipient. If the message is returned as a bounce back, undeliverable, filtered or lost, it is still considered 'delivered' by our system. This is conceptually similar to mailing a letter via the USPS. Our system can only ensure your message makes it to the post office. If the package is marked returned to sender, it has still been delivered.


Distributed Marketing Platform. Technology infrastructure that allows corporate and local marketers, field sales, and marketing partners to efficiently create, store, localize, manage, and measure marketing communications across various channels.

Email Campaign

An email or series of lead nurturing emails designed to accomplish an overall marketing goal.

Email Template

A framework for an email campaign that contains content / editable areas to be populated with dynamic content.

Campaign ID

The database identifier of the email campaign

Hard Bounce

Emails that were not deliverable; i.e. mailbox or server / domain not found. These addresses are automatically unsubscribed from future campaigns.

Is Paused

Indicates if the campaign is paused from sending

Is Preview

Indicates if an email was a preview sent for QA purposes.

Is Recurring

A specific type of email campaign that resends automatically on a set interval.

Mailing Type Name

Mailing Types serve as preferences or categories for types of communications.

No Feedback

The number of emails sent for which no feedback was received; no request for images were received, nor were any click requests recorded.


On Behalf Of - The campaign was initiated by a third person on behalf of a user of the platform

Open Rate

The percentage of emails opened in an email marketing campaign, or the percentage opened of the total number of emails delivered.


NOTE: Not all email clients are configure to automatically download images. In some cases the results will be lower than reality.

Operator Email

The email address of the platform user that initiated the email campaign. For OBO that will normally be a platform administrator or campaign specialist.

Operator ID

Database ID of the Operator

Plain Text

Text in an email message that contains no formatting elements.


This email is a component of an automated Program


Total emails that have Hard or Soft Bounced or were Manually Unsubscribed to.

Send Date

The date that an email campaign is scheduled to be sent.

Sender Email

The set sender email address of the email to be sent. May or may not be the actual Operator. Most email clients do not readily show the sender email, but instead show the sender name

Sender Name

The human readable sender of the campaign. This is typically the users first name / last name but could be a location, division or company name. Most email clients show this in lieu of the actual email address of the sender.


Total number of emails sent to recipients regardless of delivery status.

Skipped: Domain Unsubscribe List

Denotes an email that could not be sent because a system administrator is not allowing emails to be sent to that domain.

Skipped: FCC Do-Not-Send List

Denotes recipients that could not be emailed due to their domain being on the FCC Do-Not-Send List. View a plain text version of the list of domains on the FCC Do-Not-Send List.

Soft Bounce

Emails that temporarily could not be delivered. Typically due to a full mailbox or email server unreachable / down. Distribion continues to try and deliver these emails for the span of a few days.


An email that has been determined to be spam by an email client, firewall, ESP or spam appliance.


The subject line of an email.

Template ID

The database ID of the template from which the campaign was created.

Template Name

The name of the template from which the campaign was originally developed.

TOS Complaint

Terms of Service Complaint. On some ISPs, the recipient has the option to report the email as spam. If the user does so, we are notified and the user is automatically unsubscribed.

Total Clicks

The total amount of clicks that were made on all included links sent. Clicks may or may not have come from the same subscriber.

Total Opens

The total amount of times an email is opened. A single recipient can open an email multiple times to add to this total count.

Tracking Image

An image embedded into each outbound email by the system to help estimate views. The number in this column is a count of how many times the image was requested by email clients

Unique Clicks

The distinct number of recipients who have clicked on any link at least once.

Unique Opens

The distinct number of recipients who have opened your emailat least once.


Similar to Returned, this is the total of emails that have Hard or Soft Bounced or were Manually Unsubscribed to.


An option for recipients to cancel a service or to remove oneself from a digital mailing list.


In the case of the Global Campain Overview webpage, this is also sometimes referred to as the "Open Rate". The value for "Viewed" is calculated as Unique Opens divided by Delivered emails.

Viewed Desktop

Total emails that were opened from a desktop, laptop, workstation.

Viewed Mobile

Total emails that were opened from a mobile device.

What Is the Difference Between Unique and Total Clicks?
Carolina Pietro - https://help.fromdoppler.com/en/what-is-the-difference-between-unique-and-total-clicks/

The Ultimate Glossary: 44 Email Marketing Terms Marketers Must Know
Jeanne Hopkins - https://blog.hubspot.com/blog/tabid/6307/bid/7595/the-ultimate-glossary-44-email-marketing-terms-marketers-must-know.aspx