Email Tracking Report - GCO

Provides administrators and users the ability to view detailed tracking of email campaigns.  This includes the ability to view link tracking.

Access the Email tracking report under the GCO>Actions>choose>tracking


Sent: The number email campaigns sent (to ISPs)
Delivered: Email campaigns successfully delivered to client server.
(Sent - Returned/Unsent = Delivered)
Device Types: Type of device that opened the email (Mobile or PC)
Total opened: Number of emails opened; can include multiple opens per person
Returned/Unsent: Emails that have been returned or unsent due to a hard bounce, soft bounce, or unsubscribe.
Confirmed opens: Campaigns that have been opened by a contact.
Sent No Feedback: Campaigns delivered, but not opened.
Soft Bounce: A temporary delivery failure, the email address was recognized but the message bounced back undelivered instead of reaching the contact's inbox. This will take 72 hours for all Soft Bounces to regiSeveral reasons for this: contact's mailbox is full; the servers are down or overloaded with messages; message size is to large; contacts' setting do not allow for email from the sender; suspicious or spam like content.
Hard Bounce: A hard bounce is a permanent delivery failure. When there is a hard bounce it means the contact's email address is invalid or no longer in use. Typically the domain name (after the @) no longer exists or no longer has registered mail servers.

Note: It is recommended that you remove hard bounce addresses from your email list, because ISPs user bounce rates as a key factor in determining email reputation.

Email Campaign Information

Circle Graphs

The color circles on each graph have "hover" ability for quick access to information. The graphs can be downloaded and printed in several formats by clicking on the three line icon located to the right of each graph.

In the top right corner of the circle graphs, there is an icon (circle icon with an exclamation point) that contains a pop up window.  In the pop window the Overview of the Campaign detailed information. The report will provide key summary campaign  information. 

Click Activity

Click activity results are located under the circle campaign graphs. More detailed data for each link is provided by clicking on each corresponding bar graph.
 Note:  The red circle icon  to the left for the bar graph, will allow the option to change links in an email campaign.

Search Options for Report

The search options allow A User to set filters parameters for  various reports  The reports can exported as an CSV or XLS file. 

The Visibility Button allows the user to select which columns the user would like to display on his screen, as well as which columns to include in a csv or xls.

Bounceback Report
The Bounceback icon (in the top right corner above the circle graphs) is a triangle with a exclamation point. Clicking on this icon provides email addresses that bounced, and the reasons why. 

Manage Bounced Contacts

 The bounced contacts summary report provides the top 5 bounce domains for soft and hard bounces. This information is useful for determining delivery problems with specific domains. If there is a large number of bounces for one domain, it may indicate that emails are being blocked by the ISP's receiving server. 

It is important to note that ISPs and other mail systems check incoming mail from each source to see if there are a high number of bounces. Often, ISPs start rejecting the emails on the assumption the email list is made up of automatically generated or purchased email addresses. 

Also, if a majority emails are to certain domains i.e. or and result in bounces, this may indicate that the content has been identified as spam. 

Bounce rates are directly related to the quality of the subscriber list. Low bounce rates are a sign of a healthy, permission-based list with active and engaged subscribers.
 High bounce rates indicate that there may be problems with the way list was grown, or how it is being managed.

Note: It is recommended that you remove hard bounce addresses from your email list, because ISPs user bounce rates as a key factor in determining email reputation.

Email Scrubbing

What is email scrubbing? Email scrubbing is removing non engaged subscribers from email lists and market to people who want to receive emails. Email hygiene is an important part of target marketing. An email list should be cleaned at least a couple of times a year. 

To send effective emails, review the recent history of sent email campaigns. If there is a pattern of declining opens and click rates that signals a problem. Next, review individual campaigns in the tracking report, and look at the unsubscribe and spam complaint rate. This can be accomplished by clicking on the unsubscribes in the tracking report on the Return/Unsent circle graph.

If more contact's than usual are unsubscribing or marking as spam, this is an indication that email clean up is due.