User Approval Process



Some email campaigns will require an approval before the campaign can be delivered. This does apply to both scheduled and immediate email campaigns. Once there is a request for approval the email campaign will be approved/rejected and will send immediately after approval or will be sent at requested scheduled time.


With approval on assets such as customizable flyers, business cards, the collateral can be added to the cart for fulfillment, when completed with the process either for a print order or for a download. The next screen will display the approval information.


My Stuff:

To view approvals go to My Stuff and Under Approval, this will include all rejected and pending approvals.


New Functionality

Using the existing Approval Flow process, add the needed functionality to trigger Approval Flows based up on the ‘type’ of Approval Rule it is; either Order Approval (essentially financial approval) or Collateral Approval (content approval).

Variables of these types will be included for the purpose of approval triggers. To make the changes on the pdf go to the fulfillment details tab. On the bottom right the will give you the options for approval changes. 

  1. Single Line Text
  2. Multi Line Text
  3. Non-Profile Images
  4. Paragraph Blocks
  5. Rich Text

The platform will examine each variable against its default setting. If any change has been made to the default copy, the approval flow will be triggered. 

Rendered tags within copy will not be considered to trigger the approval. In other word, substituting the value of [p:company] with “Company Name” will not be considered an approval trigger since User and Contact fields are considered ‘approved text’. 

Variables whose data is supplied via Content Collection will not be considered. Content Collections contain no user-editable copy. 

A change to only one of the identified variables is sufficient to trigger the approval flow. We do not require them all to be changed to trigger the Approval. 

Note: In the instance where both Collateral and Order approvals are required, Collateral (content) approvals will always occur first.