Links to Marketing Asset Manager(MAM)
The following guide will help you to create link to specific assets and categories of assets with the Marketing Asset Manager (MAM or also called the Marketing Library). These links can be used internally within the platform for menu items, homepage links, microsite links and even in asset descriptions. If the links are used externally, be aware that a valid user login/session must be in place, or the user will be required to login. These cannot be used for public viewing.
A MAM link always begins with this base URL:
A number of key/value pair attributes can be added to that root URL to delineate various paths and specific documents. These attributes can be used alone, or in combination as long as they don't create conflict in authority. Those attributes are:
&filter[asset_type]=AssetType (string)
This will all you to choose a specific asset type you want shown. For example if you only want PDF files to show you can set this to "PDF". Possible values for this attribute are:
campaign_bundle, microsite_template, microsite_page_template, social_bundle, all, email_template, excel, image, pdf, ppt, pptx, other_video, word, saleskit, zip_file
&filter[selected_collateral_id]=ID (numeric)
This attribute will take the user straight to the MAM modal popup for a specific asset.
&root_node_id=XX (numeric)
This allows you to specify to the Marketing Asset Manager page what category ID it should view as the top most category. The absence of this attribute will display the default top level category “Marketing Library" to display. This is only used if you want to restrict a user from being able to go to parent categories above what you specify in the Collateral Category hierarchy. This is preferential to using names using & root_node as the Collateral Categories can be changed, usually by a number of different administrators, who may be unaware of the implications to changing the Collateral Category name.
You can find a Collateral Category ID by going to Manage Collateral Categories page, selecting the category you want and clicking Modify at the bottom. The ID will be exposed in the URL string of your browsers address bar.
This allows you to specify to the Marketing Asset Manager page what category NAME it should view as the top most category. The absence of this attribute will display the default top level category “Marketing Library" to display. This is only used if you want to restrict a user from being able to go to parent categories above what you specify in the Collateral Category hierarchy.
Example:[asset_type]=pdf&root_node =Top.HTML_Templates
&filter[selected]=XX (numeric)
This attribute allows you to determine which category or subcategory is selected in the MAM view. Just as if a user had clicked the Collateral Category. This, like its big brother 'root_node_id' only functions by using the Collateral Category ID.
&filter[text_search]=searchterm (text)
This attribute allows you to define a search term to pass to the MAM search engine, which will in turn, run the search query and return the results. It can be used in conjunction with root_node_id and filter[selected] to refine the results to a particular category of assets.
Loading a customization template directly:
Social Template: You can use this link and accompanying attributes to fully load the customizer for a social template. p=socialnetwork.instance&load_template=1&template_id=&collateral_id=44007
Usage Examples:
Show only assets of type 'PDF' in the subcategory_id=870 while displaying the entire Collateral Category structure that can be browsed by the user:
Show only assets of type 'PDF' in the subcategory_id=870 with no other categories available for selection by the user:
Show all email templates in the entirety of the Marketing Library:[asset_type]=email_template
Using a thumbnail of a particular asset as a visual link, make an href link directly to the MAM modal popup for that asset (ID = 87701) for the user to select customization or distribution options. The entire Marketing Library Collateral Category structure would be available for the user to browse if the modal is closed:[selected_collateral_id]=87701