Administrators can request 2 Factor Authentication for users within their platform. To request activation, reach out to your Distribion client representative for assistance. 

2 Factor Authentication helps strengthen the security around the platform, making it harder for users' accounts to be hacked and platform data to be exposed. As a security feature, we would advise all clients and accounts to activate this feature for better security around their logins.

However, when activating 2 Factor Authentication, we will need the following answers:

  • How many minutes would you like before the security code that the user receives in their email expires (which would require them to request a new code)? The options are 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes, 30 minutes, and 60 minutes. 
  • How many months would you like before user authentication expires and needs to be re-issued (via a new code). The time values are 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, and 12 months. 

Once 2FA is active, administrators should notify their users either through email. The next time the user tries to log in, they will be prompted to enter a 2FA code first. They will receive this code via email and should enter it into the pop-up on the platform as the screenshot below shows.

If the user chooses to remember the device, then the 2FA verification will be bypassed until the value expires or cookies are reset. In both cases, the user will then be prompted to enter in another 2FA verification code before they’re able to login to the platform. 

For any other questions around the 2FA verification feature, please reach out to your client representative.